Educational-methodical work

The department “General Practical Practice 1” teaches basic disciplines and components for choice for bachelors of the 5th year on the specialty “General Medicine”:

“General medical practice”
Components of choice – “Early detection of tumor diseases in PHC conditions. , “Dispensary observation and laboratory monitoring of children with congenital and chronic pathology on an outpatient basis”, “Age features of a somatic patient (elderly patient and adolescent)”.
Interns of the 6th course in the specialty “Pediatrics” are trained in the discipline “Out-patient polyclinic pediatrics”.
Since 2014 are carried out by the Innovative Scientific School of Gerontology and Geriatrics Program of Postgraduate Training of Physicians and Nurses “Innovative Technologies in Geriatric Practice” (108 academic hours).
Classes are conducted in the state, Russian and English languages. To achieve the Mission of the University, the department conducts a large educational and methodical work, ensuring the conduct of the educational process at a high level, new educational technologies are actively introduced.

With the purpose of improving the educational process and deepening integration into the world educational space, the Visiting Professor program invited: MD, professor of the Department of Gerontology and Rheumatology, Moscow State Medical University. IM Sechenova, Russian Federation Tsurko VV (2011), Doctor PhD, associate professor of Birmingham University Gasparyan A.Yu. (2011, 2012), Head of the Department of Family Medicine of the FPK and PP of the Ural State Medical Academy, President of the Russian Association for Osteoporosis, Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Problem Commission of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health and of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for rheumatology, member of the Presidium of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, d.m. professor Lesnyak O.M. (2012, 2014), Professor G. Livshits, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, SacklerFacultyofMedicine of Telavi University, 151-top TimesHighEducationSupplement (2013, 2015).

– master class “Modern methods, memory recovery approaches for the elderly”, visiting – professor David W Thomas (USA, Michigan), April 13 – 25, 2015.

– Seminar and master-class “Actual problems of aging and development of society” of visiting professor Sidorenko A.V. (UN-Malta, Austria) 18.05-21.05.2015.

Every year the staff of the department conducts advisory and outpatient receptions, including more than 2500 children, charitable events for the Children’s Day. In practical public health, on the basis of scientific researches of the department, new methods of treatment of acute respiratory diseases, methods of diagnostics and treatment of diselementosis in children of early and preschool age were introduced. Employees of the department actively participate in the development of clinical protocols on pediatrics and rheumatology of the Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Department of General Practice # 1, as a structural unit of the University, actively participates in the implementation of the university development strategy for the coming years, preserves and multiplies university traditions, constantly grows and develops in the theoretical plan, supports the spirit of creativity and business cooperation, mutual understanding and mutual respect, persistently participates in the formation of a new competitive generation of young doctors and scientists.