Round table “Teacher through the eyes of students”

In 2019-2020 academic year, a faculty level anti-corruption event called “Teacher through the eyes of students” was organized by the department of “Normal Physiology”. Following guest was  invited  to the event: vice dean of the 1st сourse of the School of General Medicine Ilyasova A.D. The teachers of the department of normal physiology, 2nd course of School of General Medicine students and 1st course of pharmaceutical technology faculty students were attended.

Мoderators opened the event in three languages.

Then, the round table participants were introduced to an anti-corruption laws and anti-corruption measures in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the help of presentations, the main focus of which is to fight against corruption.

After viewing the slides, a quiz was conducted to identify students’ knowledge about anti-corruption laws and anti-corruption measures in our republic.

Further, dramatizations were presented on the themes “Corruption of the law enforcement agencies and the traffic police”, “Corruption of the personnel service”, “Teacher through the eyes of students”, in which it was shown that problems related to the manifestation of corruption in the areas are still relevant education, health care, personnel services, in the traffic police and law enforcement system.

Video clips on the topic of the roundtable were also shown, followed by an active discussion of the emotions received and the conclusions made as a result of viewing.

When discussing a hot topic, students and teachers talked about the harms caused by corruption to the image of the Republic of Kazakhstan, economic growth and recognition in the world community.

During the event, teachers and students of the department shared their views and identified ways to combat corruption and its consequences. The importance of combating the phenomenon of corruption in our university was also mentioned.

After the discussion, the students presented to the audience with a small concert performance: they recited poems of their own composition and poems of Kazakh poets dedicated to this topic; played dombra and guitar; the choir performed the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the end of the round table vice dean of the 1st course of the School of General Medicine Ilyasova A.D., assistant of the Department of Normal Physiology Aitzhanova G.M. were gave a speech.

Lecturer                                                                                               Alipbekova A.S.

Тutor of the 18-002 (1-2) and 18-012 (1-2) groups of the GM,

Associate professor                                                                             Zhetpisbaeva G.D.

Assistant of the department of normal physiology                             Aitzhanova G.M.