Educational work


What a sublime soul is needed here …»


Our employees are actively involved in University life, conducting educational work with students of the 5th year in specialty “General Medicine”, visiting exhibitions, museums, theaters, concerts , ballet , educational seminars, art gallery.

Purposeful formation and personal development provides science-organized education. The main result of the educational process is formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active personality of the new society. The leading role in the educational process belong to the teachers that implement common goals, choosing the right forms and methods of education.

In the educational process we draw students’ attention to the moral, labor, legal, environmental, aesthetic, physical, patriotic, civic education of students to form their consciousness through conversations, debates, panel discussions, debates, etc. Discussions, debates, round tables form the students’ judgment, the search for truth and the desire to find anything. We teach students boldly speak their minds, and give the opportunity to make their own decisions.


Associate Professor Turuspekova S.T. with students in the theater

Such activity develop patriotism in students, love to the Republic of Kazakhstan, to their homeland. Through activities such as the”Defenders of the Motherland”, the theme of World War II, visits to the Museum of the University indoctrinate our students an international character, the spirit of peace, friendship and solidarity among peoples.


Employees of the department in the Central State Museum

“Healthy Lifestyle” – develops negative attitude to alcohol, smoking, drug abuse among students. Videos, slideshows, presentations by students of the maintenance work, contribute to the study and educate audiences through performances” Tuberculosis prevention and the fight against it,” “AIDS – the plague of the 21st century”, “healthy diet”, “Alphabet of Health” , etc.


Assistant of the department with students at Medeo

Aesthetic education – the impact of nature contributes to a culture of communication among students, the value of our nature.


Associate Professor Mukhambetova G.A. with residents in GATOB named after Abay

Visiting theaters, museums, art exhibits, concerts, we motivate the students’ learning activities, forming a cognitive activity, emotional tone.


Employees of the department in the theater named after M.Auezov, play «Түнде жанған шырақ»


Associate Professor Turuspekova S.T. with students at an art exhibition

Education through art (visiting the theaters, ballet, opera, concerts, museums, exhibitions) promotes the development in our minds to perceive the phenomenon of beauty.

All members of the department regularly take part in the social life of the university.



Employees of the department of Nervous diseases in a large Concert Hall

 of the Conservatory named after Kurmangazy

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Employees of the Department of Nervous Diseases at the Fall Ball 2013