Department Staff


Balabekova Marina Kazybaevna

Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the RAE

Phone: +7 707 4402502
E-mail: [email protected]


<strong>Balabekova Marina Kazybaevna</strong>

Position: Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the RAE

Phone: +7 707 4402502
E-mail: [email protected]

Education: in 1986 graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Almaty State Medical Institute. In 1999, defended her candidate of medicine science thesis on the topic: “Pathogenetic correction of the lysosome-damaging effect of lead in the brain and liver”; in 2021, defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The influence of metal-induced inhibition of the body’s reactivity on the course of experimental inflammation and ways of its correction”.

Work experience: began working at the Department of Pathological Physiology in 1994 as an assistant, since 2003 as a senior teacher, since 2008 as an associate professor, from 2013 to the present as head of the department. Performs organizational work as chairman of the EPC GMS-1 (2020-2022), currently as deputy chairman of the EPC GMS-1, head of the EP Working Group at the EPC GMS-1, member of the Academic Council, member of the Council of GMS-1, member of the scientific committee, member of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of KazNMU”, expert in educational programs of the UHEMS of MSHE RK.

Scientific interests:

environmental pathophysiology – the study of dysfunction of organs and systems, as well as cognitive dysfunction in experimental animals under the influence of heavy metal salts;

antiaging – study of the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the old organism when adapting to normo- and hypobaric hypoxia;

molecular biology – study of the molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of tissue-specific gene expression, identification of the influence of heavy metal compounds on the variability of the genome of immunogenesis organs and the mutual regulatory influence of important links of these mechanisms on the course of the inflammatory process; study of specific changes in the spectrum of metabolites in the blood in patients with malignant and nodular neoplasms of the thyroid gland.


  1. “The prognostic role of the tumor microenvironment in the targeted manipulation of components of the immune system during acute pneumonia and the development of new methods of pathogenetic correction”, 2023-2025, Intra-university grant;
  2. “Mechanisms of dysregulation of inflammation under the influence of chemical ecotoxicants and new methods of their pathogenetic correction”, 2022-2024, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. “Assessment of the health status of persons who are convalescents of COVID-19 infection”, 2021-2023, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  4. “The role of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+Tregs in the regulation of the inflammatory process: metal-induced mechanisms of immunosuppression and the search for new methods of pathogenetic correction in experiment”, 2019-2021, Intra-university grant;
  5. “Molecular biological features of the course of aseptic inflammation associated with environmental immunosuppression”, 2015-2017, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  6. “Conducting short-term tests for the presence of allergenic properties of five new herbal medicines”, 2014;
  7. “Study of the hematotoxic effect of heavy metals and the possibility of activating the body’s protective and adaptive mechanisms using normo- and hypobaric hypoxia in adult and old animals in comparison”, 2012-2014; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  8. “Development of an anti-aging model (program) to ensure active longevity of elderly people in Kazakhstan,” 2011-2013; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  9. “Study of the corrective properties of herbal medicines on an experimental model of streptozotocin diabetes”, 2013.


Has more than 200 scientific publications, among them:

  1. Valentina K. Yu, Yelena S. Sycheva, Gulgul K. Kairanbayeva, Valery M. Dembitsky, Marina K. Balabekova, Aliya N. Tokusheva, Tulegen M. Seilkhanov, Tolganay Y. Zharkynbek, Anar Kh. Balapanova and Khaidar S. Tassibekov. Naphthaleneoxypropargyl-Containing Piperazine as a Regulator of Effector Immune Cell Populations upon an Aseptic Inflammation // Molecules 2023, 28, 7023. – Q1
  2. Marina K. Balabekova, Yekaterina O. Ostapchuk, Yuliya V. Perfilyeva, Aliya N. Tokusheva, Adilman Nurmuhambetov, Rustam R. Tuhvatshin, Vasiliy V. Trubachev, Zhaugashty B. Akhmetov, Nurshat Abdolla, Gulgul K. Kairanbayeva, Koks Sulev & Nikolai N. Belyaev. Oral administration of ammonium metavanadate and potassium dichromate distorts the inflammatory reaction induced by turpentine oil injection in male rats. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2019, March 8, DOI: 10.1080/01480545.2019.1585446. Q2
  3. Malmakova, A., Kystaubayeva, N., Zharkinbek, T., …Balabekova, M., Yu, V. Piperidine-containing phosphonates as immunocorrectors. // AIP Conference Proceedings., 2019, 2124, 030013. Q3
  4. Emil Muchamejanov, Marina Balabekova, Gulgul Kairanbaeva. The more you eat, the less your weight-nutritional basis for treatment of obesity. Nutri Food Sci Int J. 2019. 9 (2): 555760. DOI: 10.19080/NFSIJ.2019.09.555760.
  5. Aliya N. Tokusheva, Marina K. Balabekova, Yekaterina O. Ostapchuk, Nikolay N. Belyaev and Rustam R. Tukhvatshin. Vanadium and chromium mediated impairments in the immunological reactivity of rats with aseptic inflammation. Clin Cell Immunol 2017, 8:3(Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2155-9899-C1-037. Impact Factor 2.06
  6. Aliya N. Tokusheva, Marina K. Balabekova, V. Trubachev, Vasyly. Solts of heavy metals call phenotypic changes of immunocompetent cells – participants and regulators of aseptic inflammation // Molecular Biology of the Cell.- 2017. – V.28. – № 26. – P. 544-545.
  7. Marina K. Balabekova, Aliya N. Tokusheva, Yekaterina O. Ostapchuk, Nurshat Abdolla. Expansion of His48+CD11b/c+ myeloid cells in rats after vanadium and chromium salts administration // Molecular Biology of the Cell. – 2017. – V.28. – № 26. – P. 538-539.
  8. Balabekova M.K., Nurmuchambetov A.N., Tokusheva A.N., Ryspekova N.N., Myrzagulova S.E., Aкhmedshina D.A., Zhukesheva M.K., Trubachev V.V. Effects of immune modulators at metall induced immunosuppression // International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2017. – № 4 – URL: (15.12.2017)
  9. Балабекова М.К., Нурмухамбетов А.Н., Тухватшин Р.Р., Рыспекова Н.Н., Токушева А.Н., Трубачев В.В. Современный взгляд на механизмы формирования экологенной иммунодепрессии. Вестник КазНМУ. – 2017. – №1. – С.507-509.
  10. Балабекова М.К., Тухватшин Р.Р., Нурмухамбетов А.Н., Рыспекова Н.Н., Токушева А.Н., Трубачев В.В., Альдекеева Ж.Е.. Роль врожденного иммунитета в регуляции воспаления. Вестник КазНМУ. – 2017. – №1. – С.350-352
  11. Балабекова М.К. Изучение металлиндуцированной иммунодепрессии в эксперименте. Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2017. – 5. URL: /ru/article/view?id=26926 (дата обращения: 06.10.2017).
  12. Балабекова М.К. Экспериментальное изучение корригирующего влияния рувимина на течение асептического воспаления у опытных крыс. Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. №3 (часть 2), 2014. – С.14-15.
  13. Балабекова М.К. Изучение в эксперименте влияния ванадия и хрома на некоторые показатели клеточного звена иммунитета крыс. Фундаментальные Исследования. №10, 2014. – С.624-628.
  14. Балабекова М.К., Тухатшин Р.Р. Влияние соединений ванадия и хрома на иммунологические показатели экспериментальных крыс. Вестник КРСУ, 2014. –Т.14.-№10.-С.84-86.
  15. Балабекова М.К. Морфологические особенности течения воспаления у опытных крыс на фоне комбинированного воздействия ванадия и хрома. Вестник КРСУ, 2014. –Т.14.-№10.-С.87-90.
  16. Токушева А.Н., Балабекова М.К., Мырзагулова С.Е., Ахмедшина Д.А., Жукешева М.К., Трубачев В.В., Рыспекова Н.Н. Реакция периферической крови крыс в ответ на воспаление, вызванное на фоне интоксикации соединениями ванадия и хрома (эксперимент). Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2015. – № 6.; URL: (дата обращения: 08.06.2016).
  17. Балабекова М.К., Рыспекова Н.Н., Жукешева М.К., Токушева А.Н., Мырзагулова С.Е., Ахмедшина Д.А., Трубачев В.В. Динамика течения воспаления, вызванного на фоне металлиндуцированной иммунодепрессии. Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2015. – № 6.; URL: (дата обращения: 08.06.2016).
  18. Трубачев В.В., Балабекова М.К., Касенов Б.Ж., Карчалова А.М., Токушева А.Н., Ахмедшина Д.А., Альдекеева Ж.Е., Жукешева М.К., Рыспекова Н.Н. Экспериментальные исследования влияния соединений ванадия и хрома на поведенческие реакции крыс // Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2016. – № 3.; URL: (дата обращения: 18.05.2016).
  19. Нурмухамбетов А.Н., Карчалова А.М., Балабекова М.К., Трубачев В.В. Патогенетическая коррекция металл – индцированных когнитивных дисфункции в эксперименте //Вестник КазНМУ. – 2016. – №1. – С.507-509
  20. Тухватшин Р.Р., Аумолдаева З.М., Балабекова М.К. Профилактика металлиндуцированных нарушений системы крови тренировкой в условиях гипобарической гипоксии//Хирургия. Морфология. Лимфология. – 2016. – Т.13. – №25 (1-2). – С.119-120.
  21. Балабекова М.К., Токушева А.Н., Трубачев В.В., Беляев Н.Н., Альдекеева Ж., Баратов З., Инкарбек Ж. Изучение клеточности лимфоорганов крыс в эксперименте // Сборник трудов ХVIII Международной научной конференции «Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире», (26-27 октября 2016 г.) Переяслав-Хмельницкий, Украина.– 2016. – выпуск 10 (18). – С. 28-31.
  22. Токушева А.Н., Балабекова М.К., Трубачев В.В. Динамика накопления хрома в лимфоорганах крыс с асептическим воспалением, вызванным на фоне металлиндуцированной иммунодепрессии //Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции «Наука, образование и инновации», 15 октября, 2016 г. – Екатеринбург. – С. 162-168.


  1. Tukhvatshin R.R., Nurmukhambetov A.N., Balabekova M.K. Modern medical and environmental problems and ways to solve them. Almaty: Arys Publishing House, 2014. – 152 pages. ISBN 978-601-291-253-1.
  2. Akanov A.A., Nurmukhambetov A.N., Balabekova M.K., Tukhvatshin R.R., Ryspekova N.N. Hypoxytherapy of metal-induced disorders of the blood system and cognitive functions in animals. Almaty: Arys Publishing House, 2014. – 144 pages. ISBN 978-601-291-252-4.


  1. The compound 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-(pent-1-in-1-yl)piperidinyl-4 propionate in complex with β-cyclodextrin, which has immunomodulatory activity (No. 36309 dated July 28, 2023). Authors: Zhumakova Symbat Serikovna (KZ), Kayranbaeva Gulgul Kayranbaevna (KZ), Ten Asel Yuryevna (KZ), Fisher Dametken Edilovna (KZ), Balabekova Marina Kazybaevna (KZ), Yu Valentina Konstantinovna (KZ), Praliev Kaldybai Dzhailovich (KZ) .
  2. Method for treating metal-induced disorders of higher nervous activity (HNA) in rats //Patent No. 30767. − Application dated December 24, 2015
  3. Phenoxypropyl ester of 1-(3-methoxyprolyl)-4-ketoxympiperidine and its complex with β-cyclodextrin, which has geroprotective activity // Patent No. 30636. − Application dated January 15, 2015
  4. Method for physiological improvement of memory in healthy rats//Patent No. 30930. – Application dated December 26, 2014
  5. Balabekova M.K., Nurmukhambetov A.N., Ryspekova N.N., Myrzagulova S.E., Zhukesheva M.K., Tokusheva A.N., Trubachev V.V., Belyaev N.N. “A method for assessing the immunosuppressive role of His48+/CD11b/c+ under conditions of anthropogenic load.” No. (11) 3007. 2017/0609.2
  6. Balabekova M.K., Nurmukhambetov A.N., Ryspekova N.N., Myrzagulova S.E., Zhukesheva M.K., Tokusheva A.N., Trubachev V.V., Belyaev N.N. “A method for predicting the chronicity of the inflammatory process under conditions of intoxication with vanadium and chromium salts.” No. (11) 3006. 2017/0608.2


  1. Gold medal of KazNMU
  2. Medal for contribution to the development of healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  3. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  5. Certificate of honor from KazNMU
  6. Bronze medal of KazNMU
<strong>Myrzagulova Syrsulu Ermukhanbetovna</strong>


Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 707 4653753

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: In 1995, she graduated from the medical faculty of the Almaty State Medical Institute. In 2010, she defended her candidate thesis on the topic “Damage effect of heavy metals on higher nervous activity and repair of damage caused by it”.

Work experience: Since 1995, he has been working at the Department of Pathophysiology, starting as a senior laboratory assistant, and is currently an associate professor of the department. Total work experience is 38 years, of which 35 years in the industry.

Scientific interests: She is the author of more than 30 publications and has repeatedly spoken at international scientific conferences. There are 2 copyright patents for inventions. Participated in scientific projects.

Achievements: Awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019 and “Kurmet diplomas-1” from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020.

<strong>Tolepbergenova Maygul Zhumanovna</strong>

Position held: Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 708 1621746

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: In 1995, she graduated from the medical faculty of the Almaty State Medical Institute. In 2010 she defended her candidate thesis on the topic: “Pathogenetic correction of morphofunctional disorders of the brain and blood system under the influence of vanadium and chromium compounds”.

Work experience: Has been working at the department since 2003. In 2010, she was transferred to the position of senior teacher of the department. Since December 2013, by decision of the Academic Council, she has been appointed to the position of Associate Professor of the Pathophysiology Module. For several years he has been responsible for the “School of Young Pathophysiologist” and theoretical seminars. She was responsible for inviting leading scientists to the department under the “Visiting Professor of KazNMU” program. Since 2013-2014 to 2015-2016 was the head of the module pathophysiology -2 of the integrated modular training of 3rd year students. Total experience is 37, of which teaching experience is 20 years.

Scientific interests: more than 40 published scientific and methodological works.

Achievements: Since 2017-2018, he has annually authored an integrated intellectual Olympiad in pathological physiology among 3rd and 4th year students.

<strong>Kasenov Baurzhan Zhumakhazhievich</strong>


Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 747 1394765

E-mail: [email protected]


Education: Higher medical education.

Work experience: At KazNMU for more than 20 years.

Scientific interests: In the field of pathological physiology, in particular the mechanisms of development of ecopathology and methods for their correction.

<strong>Sabyrakhmetova Valentina Maksatovna</strong>


Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 7011875422

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: In 1989, she graduated from the medical faculty of the Aktobe State Medical Institute. In 1998, she successfully defended her candidate thesis on the topic: “Hygienic assessment of the health status of the children’s population in the area where chemical fertilizer production enterprises are located.” Awarded the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences in specialty 14.00.07 – Hygiene. In 2006, by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Sphere of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, V.M. Sabyrakhmetova was awarded the title of Associate Professor.

Work experience: From 1990 to 2017, she worked as an assistant professor at the department of hygienic disciplines with occupational diseases at West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, from 2017 to 2021 she headed the department. Since 2021, he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Pathophysiology at KazNMU. Total experience is 42, of which teaching experience is 33 years.

Scientific interests: Environmental pollution, author of more than 60 scientific publications, including 6 Scopus, 20 methodological recommendations and 10 textbooks.

Achievements: Trained 5 master’s students and one (PhD) doctor of philosophy.

<strong>Niyazbekova Lazzat Sakenovna</strong>


Position: Lecturer of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 701 222 1699

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: Higher education, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Almaty State Medical Institute, internship in neurology, defended a candidate thesis.

Work experience: Over the years, she worked as an assistant at the Department of Occupational Diseases, Nervous Diseases of SKSMA, Associate Professor at the Department of Hygiene and Occupational Medicine at KazNMU. Currently working at the Department of Pathophysiology as a lecturer.

Scientific interests: Author (co-author) of more than 10 teaching guidelines, monographs, standard programs “Pharmacy”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, more than 100 scientific articles, including those with impact factor (Scopus, Thomson Reitor, Rinz), participant more than 20 international, republican scientific and practical conferences. Participated in the international scientific and technical project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Scientific substantiation of a comprehensive solution to social, hygienic and medical health problems of the rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the university scientific and technical project “Medical and social aspects of harmful factors in the working environment”.

Achievements: Awarded a Gold Medal and a diploma of a participant in the “Moscow International Salon of Education”, a Certificate of Honor “For success in labor, teaching, educational, scientific and administrative activities aimed at the development of the University”, a letter of gratitude.

<strong>Kairanbaeva Gulgul Kairanbaevna</strong>


Position: Head teacher of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Master of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 778 6090306

E-mail: [email protected]


Education: In 2012, she graduated from Kazakh National Medical University in the specialty “General Medicine”, an internship in 2014 and a master’s degree in general surgery in 2016. In 2018-2021 studied in PhD doctoral studies in the specialty “Medicine”.

Work experience: 2014 – State Polyclinics No. 16, Almaty, pediatric surgeon. Since 2016 he has been working at the Department of Pathological Physiology of KazNMU. From 2020 to the present, he is the head teacher of the Department of Pathological Physiology. In 2017-2020 – Secretary of the Scientific Committee of Life Science. In 2020-2022 – Secretary of EPC GMS-1. In 2022-2023 – Secretary of the Working Group for the EP EPC GMS.

Scientific interests: Scientific-technical project’s executor: “The role of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+Tregs in the regulation of the inflammatory process: metal-induced mechanisms of immunosuppression and the search for new methods of pathogenetic correction in experiment” (2019-2021), “Assessment of the health status of convalescents of COVID-19 infection” (2021-2023), “The prognostic role of the tumor microenvironment in the targeted manipulation of components of the immune system during acute pneumonia and the development of new methods of pathogenetic correction” (2023-2025). Scientific supervisor of the scientific and technical project: “Mechanisms of dysregulation of inflammation under the influence of chemical ecotoxicants and new methods of their pathogenetic correction” for grant funding of young scientists Zhas Galym, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementation period 2022-2024. Has 10 scientific publications, including 2 publications in peer-reviewed journals in the Scopus database, with a CiteScore percentile of at least 50 (Q1-Q2) and 1 patent for an invention.

Achievements: For success in work in 2015, she was awarded an honorary Certificate from the Akim of Almaty.

<strong>Zholamanov Meiram Esovich</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 707 1151166

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: In 1970 he graduated from the Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute. In 1986 he defended his candidate thesis on the topic: “The influence of insufficiency of proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins A, E, C, B1 on the state of nitrogen metabolism.”

Work experience: 1970-1972 – doctor of a military unit. 1972-1977 – doctor of exercise therapy at the Central Hospital of the 4th State Institution under the Ministry of Health of the KazSSR, 1977-1978. – Head of the Department of Rehabilitation and Exercise Therapy. 1978-1986 – worked as a junior researcher at the metabolic laboratory of the Kazakh branch of the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. 1986-1991 – Assistant of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology of KazNMU, 1991-2011 – senior teacher, then associate professor of the department. Since 2011 he has been working at the Department of Pathological Physiology.

Scientific interests: Participated in the development of over 10 training programs in General and Radiation Hygiene. He is a co-author of the textbooks “Water and water supply hygiene”, “Radiation hygiene”, “Nutrition hygiene”, and the textbook “Hygiene” in the Kazakh language. He has more than 50 published scientific works, including 1 textbook, 4 teaching guidelines, 3 methodological recommendations.

Achievements: Medal “Enbek Ardageri” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023).

<strong>Terlikbaeva Gulnar Alimgazievna</strong>

Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Master of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 777 9647628

E-mail: [email protected]


Education: In 1996, she graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute. In 2014-2016 studied at the Medical State University of Semey, at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Department of PhD Doctoral and Master’s Studies, graduated with the academic degree “Master of Medical Sciences”.

Work experience: 2016-2017 – worked at the Medical State University of Semey, at the Department of Pathophysiology, as a teacher. From September 2017 to the present time he works at KazNMU, at the Department of Pathophysiology, as an assistant. Total experience is 32 years, of which teaching experience is 20 years.

Scientific interests: Scientific publications – 20 published works.    

<strong>Bekturarova Gaukhar Bainurovna</strong>

Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology

Tel. mobile: +7 707 9760250

E-mail: [email protected]




Education: 2009-2014 – KazNMU, General medicine. 2014-2016 – KazNMU, Internship in the specialty “General Pediatrics”. 2016-2018 – KazNMU, Residency in Pediatrics.

Work experience: 2018-2019 – Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 2, emergency room pediatrician. From 2020 to the present, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of KazNMU.

Scientific interests: Pathology of childhood, author (co-author) of 5 scientific papers.

<strong>Kuttybaev Asylkhan Duysenkhanovich</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Master of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 702 9803361

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: 2005-2011 – KazNMU, Faculty of Preventive Medicine. 2018-2020 – KazNMU, Master’s degree in Medicine. Topic of the master’s thesis: “Cognitive dysfunctions during experimental hepatitis and methods of their pathogenetic correction”. Since 2022, he has been a doctoral student in the specialty “Public Health” at KazNMU.

Work experience: Work experience – 11 years, has been working at the department since 2016.

Scientific interests: Has more than 20 scientific publications in the field of pathophysiology and public health and 1 copyright certificate.

<strong>Isenali Assel Zhenisovna</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology, MBA

Tel. mobile: +7 701 7104565

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: 1989 -1995 studied at the Almaty State Medical Institute, at the Faculty of General Medicine. In 2003-2006 continued her studies at the International Academy of Business, where she received an MBA degree.

Work experience: 1995 – 2006 neuropathologist at the Railway Hospital. In 2000-2006 Sales Manager at CINA PHARM, BMSquib. In 2006-2022 director and neurologist at a private medical center. Since 2022, assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of KazNMU.

<strong>Bayanbai Assiya Serikovna</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology

Tel. mobile: +7 702 8129540

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: 2012-2017 – Semipalatinsk Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine, Bachelor. 2017-2019 – Semipalatinsk Medical University, internship, therapy. 2019-2021 – Semipalatinsk Medical University, residency, “Family medicine”.

Work experience: 2019-2020 – Semipalatinsk Medical University, assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology. 2020-2021 – Semipalatinsk Medical University Hospital, on-duty therapist. 2021-2022 – GP 21, Almaty, family medicine doctor. From 2022 – KazNMU, assistant at the Department of Pathological Physiology.

<strong>Tashetova Aidana Shormankyzy</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of the Pathological Physiology, Master of Medical Sciences, Master of Public Health

Tel. mobile: +7 701 8964802

E-mail: [email protected]


Education: In 2011-2016 – Karaganda State Medical University, Faculty of Public Health. In 2016-2018 – Higher School of Public Health, Scientific and Pedagogical Master’s Degree, Master of Medical Sciences. In 2019-2021 – Boston University (USA), Master of Public Health.

Work experience: 2016-2018 – Higher School of Public Health, laboratory assistant/junior researcher at the Scientific and Clinical Center, 2019-2021- Boston University, teaching assistant, junior researcher. From 2022 – KazNMU, assistant at the Department of Pathological Physiology.

Scientific interests: Public health, global health, infectious diseases, project management. Author (co-author) of 7 scientific works, including publications recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education MES RK.

Achievements: Winner of the International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak” (2018), IELTS Academic 8.0 (2023).

<strong>Musilim Meruert Baktursynkyzy</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Master of Medical Sciences

Tel. mobile: +7 707 1860037

E-mail: [email protected]


Education: 2009-2014 – KazNMU, Faculty of General Medicine, 2014-2016 – KazNMU, internship, therapy, 2016-2019 – Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, residency, “Cardiology, including children’s”. In 2022, she defended her dissertation on the topic “Assessment of treatment adherence of patients with cardiovascular diseases” and received a master’s degree in medical sciences.

Work experience: Total work experience – 6 years, including teaching experience – 2 years. Since 2023, he has been an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of KazNMU.

Scientific interests: Author (co-author) of more than 10 scientific publications, including 4 publications, in journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education MES RK.

<strong>Kulkayeva Makpal Nurgazinovna</strong>


Position: Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology

Tel. mobile: +7 7057759981

E-mail: [email protected]



Education: Higher education, graduated in 2009 from the pediatric faculty of Kazakh National Medical University. In 2010, she completed an internship in the specialty “Pediatrics”. In 2012, she completed her residency in the specialty “Nephrology, including children’s”.

Work experience: From 2012 to 2015 completed the training program of the “School of Pedagogical Excellence named after Kh.S. Nasybullina” and worked as a trainee teacher at the Department of Nephrology of Kazakh National Medical University. In 2015-2016 worked as an assistant at the department of nephrology at the State Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 2. In 2017-2018 worked as an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 of KazNMU on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 7. Since 2023, he has been an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of KazNMU.