Educational work

In connection with the state policy oriented to the further socio-economic development of the Republic and the integration of Kazakhstan into the world system of higher professional education, the problem of forming the professional competence of future doctors acquires particular urgency. The modern achievements of science and the widespread introduction of scientific technologies in the sphere of medical services to the population have raised the bar of the requirements for graduates of higher educational institutions on the labor market.

In accordance with general requirements, KazNMU sets a task to train young specialists with a high level of theoretical and practical training capable of quickly responding to society’s requests and taking into account the interests of the development of the state. Educational work at the university provides for the implementation of the main strategic directions of state youth policy. The priority tasks of the teachers of the department are the formation of a sense of patriotism, moral development of among young people, the support of young talents, the involvement of students in cultural, scientific and educational processes, develop an active civic stance.

The department uses a combination of individual, group forms of educational work, the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate that contributes to the effectiveness of the educational process.

In the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, the students of the 4th year with the faculty  and the clinical base prepared and conducted youth flash mobs dedicated to Almaty’s City Day and the Day of the Elderly.