Educational programs

Bachelor degree is a specialty 5B130100 “General Medicine”. Syllabus on the discipline ” Fundamentals of Dermatovenereology, incl. children’s in the work of a GP B 19-01.OD (17262)”, Module “Fundamentals of Infectology 2019 (291)” for 5th year students 30 hours.

Internship: General Medicine, “General Medical Practice 5B130100”, module “Phthisiology, Dermatovenerology, adult, pediatric (420). Discipline ” dermatovenerology, adult pediatric L19-FD-Derm 17191″ 6th year students 45 hours.

Residency: 6R 111400 “Dermatovenerology, including pediatric”, 2 years of study. The purpose of the residency is to ensure the training of qualified competitive personnel that meet modern requirements for the quality of doctors, specialists for independent work in the specialty of dermatovenerology.