Publishing activities

For the first time, a textbook on allergology in the state language was published in 2000 by Professor Z.B.Ispayeva “Аllergic diseases in children”.
Since 1998, Professor Zh.B.Ispayeva has been publishing scientific and practical programs on topical problems of allergology: “Bronchial asthma, Atopic dermatitis in the light of the latest international agreement documents GINA, ICCAD” discussed at the international conference “Asthma and Allergy”.

The release of the fourth edition of the Program on the management of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis at the present stage in the Republic of Kazakhstan is timed to the 100th anniversary of allergy diagnostics and allergen-specific immunotherapy.

Textbooks, guidelines for allergic rhinitis, insect allergy, urticaria and atopic dermatitis.