Еducational work

The main directions of educational work:

– The organization of informing students and employees, the study of public opinion in the team (backward information);

– The formation of civic maturity, patriotism, moral moral qualities;

– Raising the legal culture, crime prevention, negative phenomena; promotion of healthy lifestyles, psychological and pedagogical work

– The priority direction of educational work remains civil and patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the person of students in accordance with the traditions of the Kazakh state and carried out by the President and the Government policies, both during the training sessions and in various extra-curricular activities.

At the department pass events of a patriotic nature:

– Independence Day, Day of Unity of the People, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, a meeting with veterans of the medical service;

The solemn meeting and concert dedicated to:

– International Day of March 8;

– Day of the medical staff;

– Teacher’s Day;

– Evenings of rest and celebration with the participation of the best teachers and students honored doctors.