Clinical work

The Department of Dermatovenerolgy is located on the basis of the emergency room at the Kazakh scientific center of skin and infectious diseases (KSCSID), Raiymbek ave. 60. The total number of hospital beds is 50 and 25 day hospital.

The Department of Dermatovenerology oversees the departments of clinics. Basically, the staff members of the department have the highest medical category and work experience of more than 10 years. For the period of the 2018-2019 academic year, the department staff advised 1,130 patients, supervised patients 210, conducted 35 clinical reviews, 3 consultations. In 2018-2019, academic information exchange events were held at the CMА “An Integrated Approach to Atopic Dermatitis Therapy at Different Stages of Its Development”, CSVD “Clinic, Diagnosis and Treatment of Scabies and Dermatomycoses as part of the City Workshop on the Prevention of Scabies, Dermatomycosis and Pediculosis” , City infectious diseases hospital “Differential diagnosis of exanthema.”Participation in the development of protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the KSCSID working group,charity events: Advisory medical assistance at the Second World War clinic, timed to coincide with the Day of the Elderly; Advisory medical assistance at the Center for Special Social Services, dedicated to Victory Day.             Continuing education of teaching staff for the last year: U. T. Beisebaeva “Innovative technologies in dermatovenereology (dermatocosmetology), including children’s” 108 hours. Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. ” December 10-25, 2018 Certificate No. 1111, Yesengaraeva Z.B. “Innovative technologies in dermatovenerology (dermatocosmetology), including pediatric” 108 hours. Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. ” 03-17.01.2019. Certificate No. 45., Khabizhanov A.B. “An algorithm for the early diagnosis of nevus and skin tumors on the device Dermatoscope.” 108 hours. Institute of Continuing Education PROFESSIONAL LLP. May 13-27.05.2019 Certificate No. 179.