Methodical work

At the department classes “General Medicine ” – “Essential Anatomy” (1 year) and “Anatomy” as part of the module “The morphology and physiology of the organism” (2nd year) and the module “General pathology” (3rd year) and as for the 1st year students “Dentistry” schools, “Pharmacy”, “public health”, “Nursing” carry out.

At the department a lot of attention is paid to the scientific and educational work. In recent years, members of the department published 60 scientific and educational works.

In recent years, members of the department published textbooks:

Zhanybekov DE “Adam anatomiyasy boyynsha baқylau kartalary. Іshkі aғzalar ” . Almaty, 2015.

Iskindirova AM Iskakova LA “Osteology”. Moscow, 2015.

Iskindirova AM Iskakova LA “Myology”. Moscow, 2015.

Iskindirova AM Iskakova LA “Artrosindesmology”. Moscow, 2015.