Research work of students (R&D)

Research work of students (R&D) is part of the general educational process and is included in the content of all studied disciplines and types of training sessions (from the Position of R&D).

The purpose of the R&D is to create a permanent, sustainable and effective research activity of students, teaching the principles of scientific research in accordance with international standards, improving the quality of the R&D of KazNMU in accordance with international standards.


1) attracting students to participate in research work;

2) ensuring the unity of educational, scientific and innovative processes with the formation and development of creative abilities, improving the professional and creative training of students, improving the forms of attracting students to scientific research;

3) to promote the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, the formation of his objective self-esteem, the acquisition of skills in creative teams, involvement in organizational and innovative activities;

4) providing students with the opportunity to realize their abilities in solving urgent problems of modern medicine;

There is a scientific student circle “Young Histologist” at the Department of Histology. At the department, scientific work is carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Histology together with the B.Atchabarov Research Institute. Head of the research department: teacher Hebullaeva Z.Yu.

Students of the circle actively participate in the annual “Conference on research work of students of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov”, dedicated to the Day of the University and in scientific conferences outside the republics of Kazakhstan.

In 2022, on December 13, the 1st round of the student research conference of the Department of Histology was held. 16 scientific research papers were presented at the conference, 9 of them in Kazakh, the remaining 7 in Russian..

The scientific conference was a success. During and after the end of the reports, students were asked various questions, to which they adequately answered, which proved their good preparedness. According to the results of the 1st round, one job received – 1st place, two jobs – 2nd place, two jobs – 3rd place. All participants of the student circle were awarded diplomas. The winners participated in the “Conference on research work of students of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov”, and took the prize and nomination. On the topic “The influence of energy drinks on the histological structure of the kidney”, the 1st year student of the specialty “General Medicine” Tursynbay Aldiyar and the 2nd year Karpinskaya Yana-Sofia, received a diploma of the III degree. A thesis was written on this topic, and sent to the publication “Asfen Forum”. On the topic “Bazalyk panderdegi terminderdi birizdendiru maselesi”, 3rd year student Musyrmankul Diana spoke, received the nomination “The best work with practical significance”.

On November 29, 2022, the “II International Morphological Olympiad” on anatomy, histology and pathological anatomy was held, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Department of Histology of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov among students of 2-3 courses in online format. The main purpose of the Olympiad was to select and support gifted students, involve them in solving topical problems in the field of morphology, promote the development of interests in scientific activities in these areas, as well as friendly relations between universities of the countries. The Olympiad was attended by viewers in online and offline format in the number of 150 people and 7 teams, including: NAO “Astana Medical University”, Kazakhstan, Astana city, Team: “Currenda”; Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, Novosibirsk, Team: “Pathos ethos”; Kazakh National Medical University S.D. Asfendiyarov, Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Team: “Men in white”; Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N.Yeltsin, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek city, Team: “Na’vi”; “Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University”, Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Team: “Socrates”; “I.P. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University”, Russia, St. Petersburg, Team: “Camino de scientia”; Reaviz University, Russia, St. Petersburg, Team: “The World of Reaviz”. Each of the participants during the participation in the Olympiad was able to demonstrate their knowledge at the highest level and defend the honor of their university.

The diploma of the 3rd degree was awarded to the following teams: Socrates, Pathos ethos, Na’VI, Diplomas of the 2nd degree were shared by the Currenda, Camino de scientia teams, the 1st degree diploma was awarded to the Mir Reaviz team, the Men in white team received the Grand Prix. diplomas were also awarded in the following nominations: “The most creative team” — Pathos ethos, “Audience Award” — Camino de scientia, “The most active team captain” — Camino de scientia Yulia Kotova