History of the Department

The chair of normal physiology as one of fundamental chairs of the university was founded in 1934. Its founder was the academician of Academy of Sciences, Professor Polosukhin A.P. Such outstanding scientists and brilliant teachers as professors Beremzhanova I.A., Palgova L.E., Satpayeva H.K., Skipina E.G., worked here and they made a great contribution to development of Kazakhstan science. Professor Satpayeva H.K.was the founder of a new scientific direction – valeology, having an important practical value.More than 20 years the chair was headed by Professor Sokolov A.D. Currently a head of the chair is Ryspekova S.O.
More than half a century ago Polosukhin A.P. has created original school of Kazakhstan physiologists. Polosukhin A.P. paid a great attention to issues of the prevention of professional industrial pathology. He together with his pupils worked on prophylaxis of silicosis – serious occupational disease. Polosukhin A.P. had determined a number of issues for researches of physiology Institute of Kaz SSR AS and it was headed by him for a long period.
A.P. Polosukhin’s researches were continued by his pupils, out of them Palgova L.E., Beremzhanova I.A., Satpayeva H.K., Skipina E.G. have made the greatest contribution to science.
The performed experiments on studying development of conditioned reflexes, their fixation, inhibition, generation of memory with application of various methods and observations over an emotional condition of an organism, allowed to suppose an existence of physiological emotion correlates and to create a new theory of emotions.
Now the chair consists of one professor, five candidates of sciences and associate professors, four teachers.
There is a student scientific circle, the members of which were awarded numerous prizes at student’s conferences.
For the last years the chair arranged three international scientific conferences. The staff of the chair took part in the Republican program on studying biological age of elderly people and worked out recommendations on increasing life expectancy of different groups of population.
The teachers of the chair have published such textbooks as “Human physiology”, “Valeology”, “General issues of regulation of functions”, 150 scientific articles and introduced in educational process 18 innovative methods of teaching.
The chair of normal physiology is right to traditions of the teachers and continues to work on improvement of educational process and accumulation of new scientific knowledg.