Publishing activity

Publications of department:

  1. K.Kh.,Khasenova, N.S. Baizhanova, A.A. Igibaeva, physiology of digestion, teaching methodical manual.
  2. 2011, a scientific and practical conference to 90 years anniversaries of the professor, doctor of medicine, Satbaeva K. KH was held by the department of normal physiology, December 23, 2011.
  3. Іnnovation patent for inventor. Title: method of determining the resistance of erythrocytes in an experimental hypoxic condition. Рatentee: Kankozha Mukhtar Kozhasuly, Sokolov Alexander Dmitrievic
  4. А publication in a magazine with above zero impact factor. The FASEB journal. The journal of American Societies for Eхperimental Biology. March 2012. Vol.26, No.3